Pachysandra Ground Cover

Pachysandra (Japanese Spurge)

Also known as Japanese Spurge, Pachysandra ground cover is a dwarf shrub, popular for their ability to spread into a dense evergreen carpet beneath other taller shrubs. Average to fast growing, they all need some degree of shade and prefer acid soils, hence their popularity for underplanting rhododendrons. These are the ideal choice for those shaded areas where many other plants struggle due to lack of sunlight.

With creeping stems and short upright branches bearing glossy, slightly leathery leaves with gently serrated edges and spikes of small white flowers, Pachysandra (Japanese Spurge) plants will thrive in trickier shady areas and give year-round colour and interest. Fully deer-resistant they are a hardy and low maintenance plant that is also very useful for planting on slopes to help control erosion.

Plant Pachysandra ground cover in their happy place – shade, or partial shade! They will take some sunshine, but too much and their leaves can burn and die (though this will not kill the entire plant). They thrive in moist and well-drained soil but are versatile enough to grow in most soil conditions.

As a rough guide when planting Pachysandra as ground cover – 4 plants per square metre is adequate with a little patience, 6 will give better coverage, and 9-12 will make a weed supressing carpet very quickly.

How to grow Pachysandra
Position: Full or partially shaded areas

Foliage: Evergreen

Soil and site: Tolerates most soil but grows particularly well in moist, well drained acidic soil

Flowering time: Spring

Growth rate: Moderate

Ultimate height and spread: Height to 25cm, spread to approximately 60cm depending on variety

Hardiness: Hardy once established

Aftercare: An annual feed will help promote good colour and encourage any thinner areas to fill out