Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo

Physocarpus or Ninebarks are deciduous shrubs, easy to grow and tough. they are suited to all soil types but do like good drainage. Because they tolerate a wide range of conditions this is a good shrub for more difficult areas such as banks or dry areas (once well established). They look great partnered with other colourful shrubs or mixed in a perennial border where the deeply coloured foliage will fit with many colour schemes perfectly whether its a hot coloured summer bed, or cooler mauves, lilacs, pinks and whites. This is also a great plant for a more modern and contemporary garden.

Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo may be grown as a beautifully coloured hedge, by planting 3 of our sturdy shrubs per metre the hedge should develop within a few seasons with just a little formative trimming to the sides, once the desired height (we recommend 100-200cm) is reached these low maintenance shrubs need a single trim after flowering in early Summer to keep them looking good.

How to grow Physocarpus Diabolo

Position: Sun or partial shade
Foliage: Deciduous shrub, leaves fall in Autumn and are replaced with fresh new foliage in Spring.
Soil and site: Any well drained soil.

Flowering time: June

Growth rate: moderate
Ultimate height and spread 250cm high x 200cm wide.

Hardiness: Fully hardy.
Aftercare: Water regularly after planting and for the first season. Prune or trim after flowering in June.