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Yew is a common and well-loved garden hedging plant seen in churchyards around the UK and in many formal gardens. It’s an easy hedging plant to grow, with attractive berries in autumn and dark green foliage all year round. It is toxic for humans and other animals so leave the berries on the hedging for the birds to enjoy. It can be planted in most well-drained soils, will need full or partial sun but may grow in shade also, and is very tolerant of many conditions including coastal winds. Yew can be shaped easily and will soon become a dense hedge with its relatively fast growth rate.
Yew hedging plants grow fast. If you are looking for a hedge to grow quickly then Yew is a great option. However, in order to keep it looking tidy, in good health and not bigger than you want it to be, regular pruning will be needed. As Yew grows at a fast rate of 20cm – 40cm per year, maintenance will be needed. Trimming Yew hedging in summer (when nesting season is over) and early autumn will help to keep the hedge in good shape. If you are going for a really formal looking hedge, Yew can also be clipped two or three times throughout the summer months to keep it tidy.
While hedging is a great way to encourage wildlife into your garden and to create some privacy, if your hedging gets too high you may end up with more shade in your garden than you would like, plus the neighbours might complain! Yew hedging can grow to 20m high in the right conditions! This would take a lot of years though and as long as you maintain the hedging well, it will be easy to keep looking nice.
If you want to grow your Yew hedging fast the best way to do this is to make sure you have healthy plants which are planted correctly and cared for as they grow. Growing Yew hedging in a full sun position will help, as will ensuring the soil you are planting into is well drained. Ensure new plants are well watered as they are established. To give your hedging a helping hand with an application of Growmore in Wintertime.