Flowering Cherry Autumn Flowering Mature Trees
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Browse our range of Ornamental Cherries, we have the popular Autumn flowering variety, a selection of the indispensable Spring flowering types and the magnificent Tibetan Cherry, Prunus Serrula
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The ornamental varieties of flowering cherries are from a large genus of trees which include plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots and almonds. Most are grown either for their fruit, their ornamental value in blossoms of pink and white, or for their foliage. Emanating from Asia, the flowering Cherry species of Prunus typify some of the beautiful artworks coming from those countries with their magnificent blossoms of single and double flowers.
Ornamental flowering cherries are relatively hardy and easy to cultivate in reasonable well-drained soil that is not too chalky. There are varieties to suit most situations large or small and urban or rural. For instance, a variety to fit a compact space would be the slender upright growing Cherry Flagpole, whilst a larger garden would benefit from the magnificence of the Cherry Great White with its spreading habit and wonderful white blooms.
The Cherry Kanzan is one of the most widely planted with its distinctive vase shape and purple-pink flowers along with the Royal Burgundy with its unusual purple foliage.
For colour in the garden later in the year, the Autumn Flowering Cherry blossoms through autumn and winter to the beginning of spring. For a more unusual shape the graceful weeping habit of the Cheals Weeping Cherry would benefit any small garden. The small Tibetan Cherry although not admired for its blossoms necessarily is grown for its mahogany coloured bark particularly decorative on older trees in winter.
Although deciduous, the leaf colour of flowering cherries at the set of autumn changes to amazing bright hues of oranges, yellows, reds and bronze depending on the variety of tree. Any garden regardless of size and complexity would benefit from the addition of an Ornamental Flowering Cherry tree.