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This best time to plant a hedge depends on the variety of hedging plants that you choose.
Some are seasonal, while others can be planted all year round:
Bare root hedging plants – November to April: These are the cheapest option and are field grown, they are lifted and the soil shaken off before being carefully packed and delivered to you fresh, ready for planting. They are available for planting from November until April when the plants are dormant, this is the correct time for planting.
Root ball hedging plants – October to May: These are beautiful big bushy plants grown at with lots of space in our fields for several years giving instant effect at comparatively low cost. They have a slightly longer dormant season so are available from October until early May.
Potted hedging plants – All Year Round: These are delivered to you in the pots that they have been grown in, because there is no root disturbance and therefore no trauma to the plant these hedging Laurels can be planted at any time of the year, we don’t need to wait for them to go dormant.
Instant hedging plants – All Year Round: Like potted hedging, these pre-grown hedges can be planted at any time to give instant hedges when and where you need them!
You may also find the following guides useful How To Make Your Laurel Grow Faster and Common Pests Diseases and Problems with Laurel Hedge Plants for more information on getting the best out of your Laurel Hedging Plants